Statement Stamina System – Patch 1.54

Dear ArmaJunkies,

since the last Patch the new stamina system is heavily discussed. We would like to provide you some information for clarification:

  • The System was introduced by Bohemia and can either be activated or deactivated by us. If we deactivate it, we would lose many features of our modified stamina system. E.g. no weapon sway at all during targeting.
  • For the moment Bohemia provided no parameters to influence the system e.g. slower decrease of stamina during sprinting. If Bohemia will ever provide a possibility inside the API to modify something is not known by us. If something will be provided, we will discuss about it.
  • Background info: Bohemia currently transfers the Stamina System from VBS3 ( to ARMA. This happens in several steps.
  • For us we decided that a complete deactivation of the system is not foreseen at the moment.
  • If you want to help us, please contact Bohemia in the BI forums and ask them to provide such parameter to influence the stamina system in short term.

Greetings your AJ Admins