New Bugfix & Issues Section

Hello Junkies,

we transferred our developement now to Jira, Bitbucket and Agile nearly completely.

I updated the Bugs& Issues Section for for you.

I hope you get a better overview on our tasks. Here is a little preview on the new system:

I hope it helps you to understand, that the things are taking time.
Please keep in mind:

  • Armajunkies is a Hobby and not our job
  • We will not deliver release dates, because private live is more important than Armajunkies. If a modder needs a break, the feature will be postponed if nobody else takes care
  • Even if there are rumors in circulation, we will not take note of them
  • A 100% solved build is not an indicator for a release, because we could still work on internal projects to prepare a release
  • An important bugfix is no guarantee for a fix in the next version
  • Some fixes could be postponed in future releases, if we need to test builds in public or another priority feature has more weight
  • Minor Releases are not listed and will not be listed here, the fixes will be added to the release notes of the the upcomming major release
  • Feel free to add comments and add feature requests directly, but there is no guarantee that we will add them
    • However, they will be discussed. We will try to give an answer if you add contact details
  • Feature and Bugfix request on TS will be ignored. We need a written statement to protect our admins against philosophy discussions. Sometimes they want to play too.
  • Todos:
    We plan a very easy to use Feature and Bugfix Request Portal. The work progress is currently at 40%.
    It will take some time to deliver it, because Features and Fixes itself are more important than the portal
