Marksmen DLC updated!

Hello Junkies, we updated our server right now! You can play on EU #1 and EU #2 now! We implemented the Marksmen DLC including the new weapons and Ghillie Suits! We see us on Altis! Have fun! Your Armajunkies Community

New Version has been released

Hello Junkies, today we released a new version with the following changes: Bug [AJAW-16] – Capturing territories in vehicles is not working Please test it properly 🙂 [AJAW-28] – Headless Client Logspam, if no HC connected Internal Issue Change [AJAW-29] – Changes: Gunstore prices and territory rewards For capturing you get 7500 $ For holding[…]

Thank you Atlassian!

Hello Junkies, our internal infrastructure project is still in progress. Today we were able to solve the next big topic. When you have limited human ressources, you need to plan carefully. It makes no sense that modders and admins are under unneeded pressure. But we want to delivery working states for your good ideas and helpfull[…]

New Territory System and How it works

Hello there, On Server #2 NEW TERRITORY we added a new territory system. I will explain the system here: Features: GUI: The GUI is being displayed when you are in the Territory The Capture Progress starts, when: – You are Blufor and only Blufor are in the Terr – You are Independent and only group members[…]

Neue Server Regel

Hallo Junkies, wir haben uns für eine neue Server-Regel entschieden. Clan und Gruppen Spieler, welche regulär zusammenspielen, haben nun Independent zu spielen. Blufor ist hauptsächlich für Neulinge ohne Gruppe. Wir werden diese Regel ab sofort durchsetzen. (Kick und Ban) Euer Armajunkies Orga Team  

Hello Junkies!

Um Euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten, wollen wir Euch ein kurzes Update zur Arbeit an unserer neuen Wasteland Mission geben. Der letzte ArmA-Patch brachte viele Probleme und Bugs, die uns dazu zwangen, unsere neue Mission viel früher als geplant zu launchen. Unsere Modder sind seit dem jede freie Minute daran die Mission so zu[…]

Arma 3 Client Performance Build by Dwarden (Bohemia)

Hello Armajunkies, Dwarden from Bohemia programmed a clientside performance executable. This executable has been made to deliver 2 things: Solve a PhysX Logspam Bug More FPS on clients How to install the client executable: Close Arma 3 Download Dwardens executable: Unpack the file 7zip: Localize your Arma directory – Open Steam – Right[…]

Release: 2.05

Hallo Zusammen, Wir wissen: Der Rework des Codes tut Momentan etwas weh, aber wir sind dran. Wir haben Updates eingespielt. Folgende Änderungen sind in dem Update enthalten: Was hat sich getan: Restrukturierung unserer Mission und annäherung an a3wasteland. Headless Client implementierung Neue Missionen KI reagiert humaner Base/Object-save (30 Tage) Vehicle save (Nach 48 Stunden wird ein[…]

Server Maintenance

Hello Junkies, we planned an emergency maintenance window for Server 1 on Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm. The server will restart several times and will be down for 2 hours. We need to: – Update the server – Change some deep system configurations – Update mod versions – Add bikeys for new mods – Migrate the database to[…]